A Chapter of the Model A Ford Club of America

​National Auto and Truck Museum

The National Auto & Truck Museum’s mission is to enrich lives and educate all generations through the acquisition and preservation of America’s automobile and truck history with buildings, vehicles, artifacts and literature.

​​The Beller Museum

Founded in 1993 by Jordon and Corrine Beller, the museum strives to showcase products of Detroit's heydays. 

Gilmore Car Museum

The Mission of the Gilmore Car Museum is to tell the history of America through the automobile. We foster experiences which connect people with the history, heritage, and social impact of the automobile through collecting, preserving, and interpreting its story.

Auburn - Cord - Duesenberg Museum

The mission of the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum is to preserve the past and provide multigenerational audiences an educational and inspirational journey exploring the past, present, and future of the transportation industry while leveraging the Museum's collection as its foundation.

​Model A Restorers Club

The Model “A” Restorers Club - MARC, founded in 1952, holds as its aims the encouragement of members to acquire, restore, preserve, exhibit and make use of the Model “A” Ford. And most importantly, to enjoy the fellowship of other Model “A” Ford owners around the world.

Bratton's  Antique Auto Parts

Serving the Model "A" Restorer for 24 years, Bratton's. Over 2,500 Model "A" Parts, each with a full description and illustration and many full page schematic drawing to help identify parts and assembly sequence

Hemmings Motor News: Auto Classifieds

  Hemmings Motor News will strive to enhance the experience of the collector-car enthusiast by publishing high-quality products while serving our readers and advertisers with excellence.

Links to Other Great Websites

Model A Ford Club of America

MAFCA is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the Model A Ford automobile

Model"A" Ford Foundation

MAFFI's goal is to preserve the Model A Fords and memorabilia through research, education, and the various program contained within these webpages

Ahooga Message Board

A great resource for answers to Model A Questions from real Model A owners